On a fine evening in Moorefield the two Castlemitchell teams came away with two fine victories over the home side. 24 children from the club, put on the green and white jersey and played their hearts out in two fine matches. On both sides of the pitch the Young Mitchells played some great flowing football, taking some excllent scores while at the same time the Mitchell's keepers and defenders kept the Moorefield attackers at bay. When the final whistle went it was two victories for the Mitchell's in a great performance by both teams. Thanks to Moorefield for two very sporting matches and the best of luck to them for the rest of the season. The Castlemitchell panel on the night was Jack Nolan Stephen Flynn Cathal Wall Emmett Opong Leanne Kelly Deveraux Ja Kelly Deveraux Chris Chanders Jack King Colin Opong Cian Boylan Cillian Roycroft Larry Adisa Fallou Sangre Kyle Byrne Cian Byrne Eoin Farrell Tomi Adumsi Ricki Nolan Eddie Roycroft Jack Brennan Jamie Griffin Shane Fitzpatrick Jordan Hickey and Callum Donnelly
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April 2017